May 2017

Release preparations have been going on. The first release candidate for 11.0 probably isn’t far away. There are two blocker bugs open, and neither seems particularly tricky to resolve.

The topic of translation workflow came up. A long time ago we used Transifex, but since it stopped providing good author information in the translation patches, we stopped using it, and since then we haven’t used any translation platform. Translation updates have been submitted as regular patches or plain .po files via the bug tracker or mailing list. There hasn’t been a lot of complaining about this, but translators would probably prefer to use a web platform. I looked into Zanata and Weblate, and Weblate seems like it meets our demands about crediting the translation authors properly, so hopefully we’ll try that out soon.

I fixed a bug in the new default device handling code I made earlier. The default device was not always updated properly when something was plugged in our out.

I started working on fixing the Intel LPE HDMI issues. I made a patch that should prevent PulseAudio from thinking that the HDMI device is an analog output, and fixing jack detection is in progress.

I started updating the alsa recipes in OpenEmbedded. That’s mostly finished, just build testing remains to be done.

This post was originally written on 2017-06-06, and first made available to my Patreon supporters. Speaking of Patreon – I’m using crowdfunding in an attempt to make it financially sustainable to continue my volunteer work as a PulseAudio maintainer. If you’d like to help, check out my Patreon page.

4 thoughts on “May 2017”

  1. I want to know whether it is possible to handle SCO audio packets using pulseaudio, as I’m implementing HFP in raspberry pi 3 using ofono.


  2. Yes, PulseAudio supports HFP audio. If you’re using Raspbian, though, the PulseAudio version is too old. Raspbian ships PulseAudio 5.0, but HFP support (only the audio gateway role) was added in PulseAudio 6.0. The upcoming 11.0 release will add support for the hands-free unit role as well.


  3. Sorry, I mixed up the roles. 6.0 implemented the HFP hands-free unit role (so PulseAudio appears as a headset or other hands-free device to other devices) and 11.0 will add the HFP audio gateway role (PulseAudio can connect to headsets).


  4. I’m currently using Pulseaudio 7.1 to implement HFP in pi. I’m able to place phone calls from pi using ofono, but I can’t hear any audio from pi.


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