August 2018

Stuff I did last month:

I updated PulseAudio in OpenEmbedded to the latest version.

I set up a new IRC channel #pulseaudio-unregistered where those users who haven’t registered to Freenode are redirected from the main #pulseaudio channel. Previously anyone was able to join and talk on the main channel, but there was a long-running spam attack on Freenode, which required tightening the policies.

Some of the translation files contain bug reporting links, and I updated those to point to GitLab (which we recently started to use for bug tracking). I also updated git repository links to point to GitLab in pavucontrol’s readme file.

The biggest chunk of time went into reviewing patches:

  • Refactoring module-role-cork and module-role-ducking modules. Changes requested.
  • The new messaging API. Changes requested.
  • Disabling automatic detection of a problematic Firewire sound card. Accepted.
  • Porting paprefs from glib-dbus to gdbus. Accepted.
  • Options for disabling IPv4 or IPv6 in module-zeroconf-discover. In the default configuration module-zeroconf-discover may create two tunnel sinks for the same remote sink, if the remote sink is advertised both via IPv4 and IPv6. The new option allows avoiding the duplication. Changes requested.
  • Detecting an older version of Native Instruments Traktor Audio 2 DJ sound card. Accepted.
  • Avoiding unnecessary sample format conversions. Changes requested.
  • AptX codec support for bluetooth (I haven’t finished the review yet).

This post was originally written on 2018-09-02, and first made available to my Patreon supporters. Speaking of Patreon – I’m using crowdfunding in an attempt to make it financially sustainable to continue my volunteer work as a PulseAudio maintainer. If you’d like to help, check out my Patreon page (or Liberapay).